


Answer: 4. For this simple math problem there is one right answer and an infinite number of wrong answers. You can believe with all your heart that the answer is five. You’d be wrong! Here is another question. What happens when a person dies? Like the math problem, there can only be one true answer. All other answers are false. The Bible says it is appointed once for man to die and then face judgment based on the Ten Commandments. Ever told a lie? Stolen anything? Used God’s name as a curse word? That’s blasphemy! Hated anyone or called them a fool? Jesus calls hatred murder! Would you be innocent or guilty? Would God send you to heaven or hell? Remember it doesn’t matter if you believe in God, heaven and hell, or even these standards. It only matters what is true. The good news is that God does not want you to go to hell. God sent his Son, Jesus, to earth 2,000 years ago. Jesus, being fully God and fully man became the only acceptable sacrifice for sin. He lived a perfect life, fulfilled God’s law, died on the cross then rose from the dead. Please visit www.AfterLifeCatalog.com/true/, listen to the message and read the information about Jesus. The Bible says that if you will repent (turn away from sin) and trust Jesus alone, then you will have eternal life. (Mark 1:15, John 3:36)