One of my friends sent me an email one day asking if we have a tract with the Ten Commandments on it. The question caught me off guard because each of the tracts has some of the Ten Commandments – on the back. My friend responded, “no, I meant with the Ten Commandments on the front.”
So we made this tract!
We have been using these since October around Dallas at various outreaches. They have been very well received. Originally I had thought that the tract might be hard to hand out and that people might tend to reject it. However, I think it is a God thing the way the Law on the tract connects with the Law written on their heart and they gladly receive the tract.
These tracts are easy to use in a conversation especially when using the Law to examine a person if they have sinned. Duane used this tract as well as the Are You Ready tract in conjunction. Please watch this video for some training on using these tracts together.
We pray that the Ten Commandments tract will be useful in your witnessing.