For years we have used the same Halloween tract in the tract club mailing. This year we decided to make a new tract. But we did not have a specific idea in mind. We asked our prayer team to pray about what to put on a new Halloween tract. As we prayed, we came up with not one, but two new tract ideas!
The “name ten” idea always sparks interest as people like to show how much they know. And once you name ten of something, it leads naturally into asking if they can name the Ten Commandments and into a Gospel presentation.
When it comes to Halloween costumes, as we researched it, we found there were categories for adults and children. We found there were some difference in what is popular based on age. So we decided to make this a children’s tract focusing on the children’s costumes and leveraging a message that is suited just for children. The Name Ten Children’s Halloween Costumes tract was in the October 2013 tract club mailing.
The second new tract is titled Happy Halloween and makes a play on words with the true meaning of hallow – set apart as Holy. With a witch on the front and a little history of Halloween on the back with the transition to the Gospel we pray that the Happy Halloween tract will be used to share the Gospel with many people!
You can find some examples of uses of the new Halloween tracts in the As You Go BLOG. Halloween is a great opportunity to share the Gospel. What other day do you have so many people coming right to your door asking for hand outs? Why not give them a tract along with a treat!